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Loss of Night is a citizen science project that  measures light pollution is different parts of the world. Verlust der Nacht developed an app, that based on the Google Sky maps, it asks users of the app to find different ...

Loss of Night app


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The Ivanpah Electric Generating System by NRG Energy, Google and BrightSource, is now open for business. Ivanpah is located in desert land near California - Nevada border and it is the largest solar thermal power tower ...

Ivanpah, the world’s largest solar power system is now open!


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We almost always associate well lit streets with a feeling of safety. But what if better lighting also helps potential criminals by revealing more information about their targets? Apparently there is no conclusion as to ...

Street lights and Crime


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We recently read this super interesting article on the obvious but not really discussed issue of a city's image on film. Commenting Los Angeles decision to replace its characteristic streetlamps with LED lights, the article ...

How LED Streetlights Will Change Cinema


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A great rise in the stock market value of solar energy providers might by either a sign that solar power is finally having its day or that yet another mania has gripped the markets. This New York Times article is looking ...

Is solar energy finally here to stay?


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Inspiring interview with Iain Macrae, Head of Global Lighting Applications Management at Thorn Lighting by uncube magazine. Macrae talks about LED lights improving the quality of lighting as we know it and advocates that ...

How light affects your movement and your attention


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Some interesting thoughts on Art and Functionality coming together in this community project by Warren Langley, to light a dodgy underpass  in Sydney. The author argues that despite the undoubted need for functional ...

Functionality & Art in an underpass


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A major exhibition opened recently at Vitra Museum and it will be running till mid February on a medium which has transformed our cities like no other: Light. It is the first comprehensive showcase on the topic of ...

Lightopia at Vitra Museum

Inspiration, Reading

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The Unification of the Archaeological Sites of Athens S.A. (EAXA) is a company aiming at the implementation of a program for the unification of the archaeological sites of Athens, based on a plan that includes physical ...

Lighting Masterplan for Athens
